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The BEMBEREZA English Medium Pre and Primary School now has a Sister School from Germany. The School is named Mindenerwald and is also a Primary School. Caused by the School system in Germany, the Primary School is only from year one to four. The Mindenerwald School is located in Hille, a village in the northern part of Germany. To exchange information and ideas, on 13th of December 2016, members of KADETFU, the head teacher, teachers and also some students from both schools had a skype conference. This was the first introduction of both sides and we discussed the different the school systems in Tanzania and Germany and also problems in schools. The conference was very interesting for both sides caused by the option to change the view. On 23th of January, a package from the sister school arrived in Bukoba. When the student opened it, they were very happy to see the dolls, sweets, writing materials and seven footballs. With these footballs they are having a chance to play and do sports in the breaks and free time. With thanks for the package from all the students and teachers to the sister school we are looking forward to continuing the partnership!

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New Flyers about Bembereza School

We created new flyers about the Bembereza School including information about the founding of the school, the location and activities with the sister school from Germany. The flyers are available in English and German. You can have a look to them by opening the following links. Feel also free to download and print the flyers:

To view and download the English Flyer, click here.

To view and download the German Flyer, click here.

Vision Statement

We envisage a friendly environment and a healthy, prosperous, and just society that is committed to solution of its problems independently and sustainably.

Mission Statement

KADETFU is committed to protect human rights, conserve the environment, facilitate promotion of social, economic, cultural development and empower the society.


Economic promotion by enhancing income opportunities to ensure food availability at household level in urban and rural areas through improving community capacities and research.